Oliver and Sam (10) from Mr Flax’s class in Wolfson Hillel Primary School in London, England, created a video about Kashrut.
They explained:
[quote]Our video is all about Kashrut and how to keep kosher.we choose this topic because we had learnt all about it in the last term of school. G-d commanded the Jewish people to keep kosher. G-d tells us that if we keep kosher we will be more pure than others. To keep kosher you must separate milk and meat and only eat animals with a certain sign that the animals have. [/quote]
They also said:
[quote]we used iMovie because it is one of apples best apps and is used by many people around the world. on iMovie you can make trailers which gives you a certain time to do recording and helps decide what to record.[/quote]
When asked how they could launch Kashrut as a project in their school, Oliver and Louis replied:
[quote]A good idea to make this Mitzvah more understandable we could give sets of kosher and non-kosher food and the children need to sort them out into kosher and not-kosher. [/quote]
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