9 Units A taste of Jewish learning for your kids for an hour a day. The Shavuot Bytes include online and offline activities covering a wide range of topics about the Omer, Lag B’Omer, and Shavuot. PlayRead more
9 Units A taste of Jewish learning for your kids for an hour a day. The Shavuot Bytes include online and offline activities covering a wide range of topics about the Omer, Lag B’Omer, and Shavuot. PlayRead more
Printable Shavuot Teacher Guide for Ji Bytes Print out the Teacher’s Guide to using Ji Bytes for Shavuot. Download Shavuot Teacher’s Guide for Ji BytesRead more
4 Units A short course for younger children with storytime with Rabbi Kerry, a short game around the names of Shavuot, and a recap of all the chagim’s dates! PlayRead more
7 Units Gematria, Hebrew and Middot around the festival of Shavuot, learn them all on this course! PlayRead more
3 Units Children play Lag Ba’Omer interactive games and learn about the holiday of Lag Ba’Omer. PlayRead more
7 Units Use this course to learn all about the festival of Shavuot. You will learn about what happened at Mount Sinai and the story of Ruth, as well as being challenged on what you know. PlayRead more
7 Units Children play interactive games and learn about the Omer: middot around this festival, counting, … PlayRead more
[wptabs style=”wpui-blue”] [wptabtitle]Overview[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent] Shavuot Overview Imagine being at Har Sinai over 3300 years ago. The Sages say the entire world trembled with the piercing shofar. Thunder and lightning filled the skies followed by ‘silence’ and then: “I am the L-rd your G-d…”. Come explore Shavuot and some customs with Jewish Interactive. Enjoy this beautifulRead more
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