5 Units In this course, you will learn all the stories of the book of Shmot/Exodus and have lots of fun along the way. With quizzes and puzzles, you will certainly enjoy interacting with the story and its characters! PlayRead more
5 Units In this course, you will learn all the stories of the book of Shmot/Exodus and have lots of fun along the way. With quizzes and puzzles, you will certainly enjoy interacting with the story and its characters! PlayRead more
4 Units Children will learn about prefixes and suffixes: 7 prefixes ב ה ו י מ ל and כ. The prefixes ת,י__ו and about how to translate the word את. Three suffixes ה ו ך, male and female suffixes as well as singular and plural suffixes. PlayRead more
10 Units This course goes through stories of our forefathers and mothers – the story of Noah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel, Esau and more… learn about the famous biblical stories and also test your knowledge at the same time! Based on the first book of the Torah – Bereishit – Genesis PlayRead more
4 Units By the end of this course, you should know the translation of the most common prefixes and suffixes found in Chumash, understand the use of the word את and identify the male and female plural suffixes of ות_ and ים__ PlayRead more
4 Units Children will learn about prefixes and suffixes. PlayRead more
8 Units A course that challenges students to remember key Chumash words. Over 300 key words to master! PlayRead more
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