Odeliah and Ashira from Hasmonean High School in London, UK, made this Prezi on Parashat Va’era.Read more
Odeliah and Ashira from Hasmonean High School in London, UK, made this Prezi on Parashat Va’era.Read more
Mikaela, who is in Grade 4 at King David Linksfield, Johannesburg, South Africa, sent in her Jewish Studies project. It is a video “Love your fellow”.Read more
Dan and Aiden are in Grade 4 at King David Linksfield, Johannesburg, South Africa. They made this short video about the mitzvah of visiting the sick.Read more
Mia and Maya from King David Linksfield in Johannesburg, South Africa sent in their multimedia presentation on the Moshiach. It includes a quiz! They also wrote a play. Read more
Aiden S and Ethan T are 4th graders at King David Linksfield Primary in Johannesburg, South Africa. Click here to see their PowerPoint quiz. Read more
Adam F sent in this animation he made of an interview with the Mashiach. Adam is a student at King David Linksfield in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is 9 years old in Grade 4.Read more
This video on precious Jewish objects in his household was sent in by 13-year old Giddy, from London, UK.Read more
Gabriella (10) from the USA sent in a presentation on כבוד אב ואם – honoring your parents: Gabriella told us: [quote]This is something that a lot of us can relate to. Sometimes we get mad at our parents because we dont know what they want. But they are usually right. Since they do so muchRead more
Sam (8) from Wolfson Hillel school in London, chose to do the ten commandments. Sam said: [quote]They are important in everything we do and we should always remember them..[/quote] He told us about the digital tools he used: [quote] I chose to use Mine craft because its good for constructing things and I could use lotsRead more
Talia (10) from NRPS School in London made a video about the Mitzvah of helping others and the importance of doing this Mitzvah Talia said: [quote] I chose the Mitzvah of helping others by tidying their gardens as well as doing visiting and helping sick people. .[/quote] She told us about the digital tool she used:Read more
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