In Stage 3 of the Ji Alef-Bet series, we introduce the concept of the shoresh (using the root גדל), God’s name and the Hebrew word for God, prefixes ה, ו, ב, כ, ל, מ and suffixes י.,ךְ, ךָ .
For reading practice, children read selected prayers and texts from the Tanach. We visually divide syllables to help with the reading, use images to reinforce the understanding of words, and give the full English translations and ‘karaoke’ songs.
Ji Alef-Bet is a full curriculum for young learners to learn to read and understand Hebrew.
This animated series will enrich your child:
Animated stories for each suffix and prefix
Puzzles and exercises to encourage letter recognition and word-building
Reading exercises of prayers and texts from the bible, where children can sound out the words with the visual aid of syllable animations, and then check themselves. Prayers include Modeh Ani, Shema (first paragraph), Adon Olam, Eyn Keloheynu, and stories from Joseph’s dream, Noah’s Ark and Lech Lecha.
Children learn and interact with Hebrew words and pictures for each letter, increasing Hebrew vocabulary
Songs of the various tefilot, karoake style
This beautifully illustrated book will guide you how to maximize the pedagogic experience of this series when teaching about the shoresh, prefixes and suffixes, and the texts – using the syllabic breakdown, the translations, and songs.
Includes the dictionary of all the new words learned in this series.
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