Alex (10) from Naima JPS in London, England, sent in this GoAnimate video about Kashrut. The Kashrut Makers by alexjoelmiller on GoAnimate Video Maker – Powered by GoAnimate.Read more
Alex (10) from Naima JPS in London, England, sent in this GoAnimate video about Kashrut. The Kashrut Makers by alexjoelmiller on GoAnimate Video Maker – Powered by GoAnimate.Read more
Betzalel C (13) from Torah Academy in South Africa sent in this slideshow he created about the different Brachot on food. Brochas by Betzalel from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Yehuda Aharon G (12) from Torah Academy in South Africa sent in this video about the 39 Melachot.Read more
Ben E (13) from Greenfield Hebrew Academy in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) sent in this video he edited about Purim. Ben said about his video “I used Final Cut Pro X which is very professional video editing program. My video tells the story of purim in song form. I parodied Some Nights by Fun.”Read more
Emma S (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow she created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai by emma segal from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Ben S (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow he created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai ben simon from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Josh G (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow he created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai by josh greenberg from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Mia L (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow she created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai by mia lipman from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Morgan R (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow he created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai by morgan reed from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Lia K (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow she created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai lia kisner from Jewish InteractiveRead more
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