Ivrit Misaviv La’Olam is coming to NYC! Register now for a 2-day Hebrew Teachers’ Seminar – November 10-11, 2022
Ivrit Misaviv La’Olam is coming to NYC! Register now for a 2-day Hebrew Teachers’ Seminar – November 10-11, 2022
Jewish Interactive is going back to Uni! An inspiring day at Oxford University’s Department for Education. Jewish Interactive’s CEO Chana Kanzen was invited to present and take part in the first ever Technology in Schools Symposium hosted by Oxford University Learning and New Technologies Research Group and Culham St Gabriel’s Trust. While the academic fieldRead more
We are excited to announce the winners of the third international Jewish Interactive Digital Homework competition! [line] iPad Winner The overall prize of the iPad (and the winner of the Senior Category) goes to Eyal S who is homeschooled in Katzrin, Israel. He programmed ‘The Sofer Game’. [line] Junior Group Winners Polaroid Tablet Tehilla (8) and Netanel (11) from Israel made a Scratch program,Read more
Ruby C (10) from Mr Flax’s class in Wolfson Hillel Primary School in London, England, sent in this GoAnimate video about a few Mitzvot that relate to being good to other people. [clear] She explained: [quote]I chose to make a video about the Mitzvot: Respect your parents, Help the elderly, Visit the sick and unfortunateRead more
The winners in our second international digital homework competition were presented with their iPad prize in Beverly Hills by Jewish Interactive’s Ryan Newfield and Rabbi Zach Swigard. Aaron, Ezra and Daniel from Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy in Beverly Hills, California (USA) won the iPad for the video they created in Minecraft about the Beit Hamikdash. Read more
Yehuda Aharon G (12) from Torah Academy in South Africa sent in this video about the 39 Melachot.Read more
Emma S (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow she created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai by emma segal from Jewish InteractiveRead more
Ben S (8) from Moriah Jewish Day School in London, England, sent in this slideshow he created about the Battle of Ai. Battle of ai ben simon from Jewish InteractiveRead more
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