He explained:
[quote]I created a website for my work and filled it with lots of information about Kashrut. I chose Kashrut as it is a very important aspect of Jewish life and sometimes goes unnoticed. I have been learning all about it at school so I decided to put my knowledge to good use! I have split my work into 6 parts (Kosher animals, bugs, Shechita process, kosher roles, games and fun and the summary), with 20 different pages in total! I have tried to include jokes and interested diagrams and pictures to make it more interesting than just a pile of information! I think that Kashrut is a huge part of a Jewish life and my project shows why and how![/quote]
Louis also said:
[quote]I used WordPress for my website as it is a very easy to use and a simple programme. I also have experience with WordPress after making many blogs with it. WordPress is the main blogging tool but can also be used to make websites. People can also comment on the pages of my work digitally too! I also used ToonDoo to create some comics and cartoons to embed in my work to liven it up a bit! Plus, I used YouTube to embed a couple of videos to explain things very thoroughly! And if that isn’t enough, I also used ArmoredPenguin.com to create a word search to embed in my website, again, just to liven things up a bit![/quote]
When asked how he could launch Kashrut as a project in his school Louis replied:
[quote]I think, as Kashrut is a Mitzvah, children could go to the kitchen to look at all the Halachot around the Mitzvah! They could study different laws and customs, and could possibly meet someone from a Hechsher or meet a Shomer!!! It could be a big project and can involve everyone, whatever age![/quote]
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