Sammy Morhaim gives ‘8 Bright Ideas’ for Chanukah that you can use to fire yourself up for some game creation for your child’s Jewish Studies.
Sammy Morhaim gives ‘8 Bright Ideas’ for Chanukah that you can use to fire yourself up for some game creation for your child’s Jewish Studies.
David Komer gives a dvar Torah on education in light of Chanukah – why ‘chinuch’ and ‘chanukah’ have the same Hebrew root.
Sammy Morhaim describes the educational principles of the app MY MENORAH, which blends Jewish studies educational principles with traditional values using 3D graphics to bring Chanukah alive.
Rifki Orzech writes that Chanukah is easy. There’s no obligatory home cleaning. There are no melachot and no actual festive meals. It’s practically chol hamoed—for eight days straight!
Rifki Orzech finds 5 ways to celebrate Purim with pre-schoolers. The story of Purim can come to life with shows, songs, costumes and digital stickers. Like many things in life, it’s not about stuffing it all in one week before Purim but knowing it’s there and trying different things every year.
When I hear the word nonprofit, I don’t usually think of technology and apps. In the age of digital media and, in many respects, digital communities, Jewish organizations need to continue to find the tools that respond to current interests, technological opportunities, while remaining true to the Jewish traditions of educating and inspiring the nextRead more
My Menorah was reviewed in the [Hanukkah Edition] Jewish Digital World, 16 December 2014 Jewish Interactive has extended the definition of non-profit to include twenty-first century Jewish education. The South African organization is dedicated to creating apps that teach elementary school children about Judaism, training educators in twenty-first century technology and training students to use tech forRead more
Dear Parents We are proud and excited to bring ‘My Menorah’ to your family. Our very talented team of educators and developers have blended educational principles with traditional values using 3D graphics to bring Chanukah alive. Here are some concepts that were built into the design of ‘My Menorah’: Color Recognition Identifying colors beforeRead more
Joshua Pomerance is the new education technology trainer at Jewish Interactive UK. He is also a teacher at Yavneh College. He has compiled a list of apps that can be used for the chagim by educators and families alike to bring the Jewish holidays to life for kids. Click here to download the Apps for Chagim Booklet PDF. [wptabs style=”wpui-blueRead more
Experience is often the best teacher. Over the past year our team has been running iPad and PC workshops with elementary students. Our focus has been on utilizing the best content creation applications available in order to allow the students to make a digital creation to demonstrate their learning of Jewish subject matter. The workshopsRead more
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