Click here to download the Apps for Chagim Booklet PDF.
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Rosh Hashana[/wptabtitle]
Rosh Hashana
Mitzvah Hunt
This easy-to-use, vivid, mitzvah game app encourages children to look for the good in their family and friends, and to notice the good deeds that they do. Fill in the pomegranate with your class and print out the list of mitzvoth they have achieved.
JI Studio
£1.49 (iOS)/£1.19 (Google Play)
Create place cards for your Rosh Hashana table! For tips and more ideas click here.
Shofar 4 Kidz
“Shofar 4 Kidz” will teach you about the history of the Shofar. It will tell you all about what the Shofar is and why we blow it on Rosh Hashanah! You can also ‘blow’ the Shofar from the app!
Rosh Hashana – The Jewish New Year
£1.49 (iOS)/£0.60 (Google Play)/£1.30 (Amazon Apps)
This app will teach you about this important holiday and how we celebrate it. You will learn Hebrew words and about the things we do on Rosh Hashana. You can also hear the shofar, send Rosh Hashanah cards to your friends and family and much more…

Wake Up World
Celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year with this groundbreaking app that turns your phone or tablet into a shofar you can really blow!
Voice Memo
Use voice memo on your smartphone to record each sound of the shofar. Play back to the class and ask them to shout out the name of the note.
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Sukkah Challenge
£1.49 (iOS)/£0.60 (Google Play)/£1.30 (Amazon Apps)
Earn virtual shekels and explore the original blueprints of the Torah texts & discussions of ancient Jewish sages. Find the Arba Minim and build a Sukkah. View your Sukkah in 3D from all directions! Move inside and look through the schach at the sky.
JI Studio
£1.49 (iOS)/£1.19 (Google Play)
Create decorations for your Sukkah! For tips and ideas click here! Skitch
Label your pictures with arrows and text! With ‘Skitch’ you can take a photo or PDF and add your own comments right in the app! You can share your comments and thoughts. Use different colours and shapes.
Super Sukkah Shake
Try to follow the Rabbi’s super lulav shaking skills with this fun ‘call and response’ Succot themed game!
Bedtime Shema Storybook
A fun and interactive app to help you learn how to say the Bedtime Shema! This app joins you on your typical bedtime routine and ends with you, along with the app saying Shema in bed! You can flush the toilet, brush your teeth, shut the lights, cover your eyes, and then say the Shema, even in your Sukkah!
Make a Sukkah music video featuring all the sukkot you can capture on your iPad/iPhone camera roll. Edit, add features and make it into a Hollywood style masterpiece. Or how about recording and editing the lulav shake
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Learn or refresh reading and singing the Chanukah brachot.
JI Studio
£1.49 (iOS)/£1.19 (Google Play)
Create a poster about the Chanukah story! For tips and ideas click here.
Chanukah Fun
A fun and educational puzzle game for iPhone and iPod Touch
Chanukah Fun
A fun and educational puzzle game for iPhone and iPod Touch
Chag HaChanukah
Learn the songs and blessings of Chanukah.
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights
Teach your children about the brave Maccabees with this universal book app. Read aloud to your child or have the app do the reading. Music and games accompany the story.
A portable, fun, and Jewish guilt-free menorah that you can leave burning – even after all the oil runs out!
Menorah – Chanukah
This iPhone Menorah will show you how many candles to light for each day of Chanukah. It has a cute animation, that shows you which way to light, in accordance with the Ashkenaz customs. It also has the Chanukah prayers in Hebrew, English and Transliterated.
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Creative Apps[/wptabtitle]
Creative Apps
JI Studio
£1.49 (iOS)/£1.19 (Google Play)
This app covers the entire Kodesh curriculum for ages 5-13. Children can set the table for Rosh Hashanah, put notes into the Kotel, illustrate the story of the Purim, make their own Hagaddah for Pesach, simply illustrate the 10 plagues, make invitations, collages, posters, comics, stories, multimedia flashcards and more. Teachers can make source sheets, multimedia flashcards and worksheets in seconds. Make A Book version available 2015.
Scribble Press
Make any book of your choice. Use writing tools, insert photos and pictures. Write a story for each of the Ushpizin, keep a Tishrei diary. Suitable for KS1.
Book Creator
Make a multi media book – can import videos and clips. How about an instructional guide to building a Sukkah? Suitable for KS2
Comic Life
Make a comic about any story – Try a comic about Yonah or the Chanukah story.
Tiny Tap
Make your own interactive simple game. Find the lulav, or circle the shamash. Suitable for age 6-9.
Puppet Pals
Create your own puppet show story with any character or object and multiple backgrounds, or insert your own! Great tool for any story you want children to retell.
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