In Jewish Interactive’s Tu B’Shvat Newsletter, we suggested a digital activity using Morfo. We asked teachers to take a photo of a fruit or use the graphics from JI’s photo roll, press Create and insert features. Then, using the recording function, make the fruit talk, perhaps saying a Bracha or talking about the environment.
See our example clip:
One of our innovative teachers, Sammy Morhaim from King David Primary School, Manchester, UK, liked the idea! In January 2014, the school put on a Torah personality day. The children dressed up as key Torah personalities. Sammy used Morfo to create a clip to introduce the day:
[quote]I used the video clip to introduce the day, followed by me emerging from a tent dressed as Avraham offering the children pitta. I then told them about how I discovered Hashem. [/quote]
Thanks for sharing inspirational teaching ideas, Sammy!
Please send us any clips that you have made for use in your Jewish classroom.
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