Hello my name is Jamie,
Learning Gemoro (Talmud) is such an important thing in Judaism and many people in the world find it hard to sit down and open a Gemoro as they think they either can’t read it or won’t be able to translate the words.
Within a Gemoro you will find something called a keyword which comes up many times just on one Amud (page) of Gemoro and if you know Gemoro keywords you will be able to get the main linking points of the words you are reading on the Amud.
If you are someone who struggles then it is your lucky day as I have made just the thing for you. I was made aware a short while ago that a lot of people use an app on the app store called Quizup. Quizup is a way of testing yourself in a fun way and also allows you to play against your friends and make your way to the top of the leaderboard.
If you don’t already have Quizup download it. It is available on the Android Google Play, Apple App Store, Amazon App Store, Windows Phone and online.
Type into the search bar Gemoro Keywords, start playing and boost your Gemoro skills so you no longer have to feel scared to open a Gemoro and learn it.
I hope you enjoy this fantastic and fun tool.
Jamie is an 18-year old student at Hasmonean Boys High in London, UK
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