Gabriella (10) from the USA sent in a presentation on כבוד אב ואם – honoring your parents:
Gabriella told us:
[quote]This is something that a lot of us can relate to. Sometimes we get mad at our parents because we dont know what they want. But they are usually right. Since they do so much for us its a good mitzvah to learn about.
She told us about the digital tool she used:
[quote] I used Prezi. Prezi is an awesome way to show slides in a cool way. Its similar to Power Point but its also like a big giant canvas and you zoom in and out in different ways..[/quote]
Gabriella explained how she would launch this Mitzvah in her school:
[quote] I would launch this by having a list and every day trying to do at least one thing. This will help us create a strong bond with our parents..[/quote]
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