The subject ICT has gone through myriad changes in the past few years. One of the most significant movements is the realisation that ICT does not have to be, and in fact should not be, a standalone subject. Instead ICT should be integrated into all curriculum areas where possible.
ICT skills can be learned through typing up a book report in Literacy, creating graphs in Numeracy, exploring the world in Geography, it goes on and on.
Jewish Education is no different. ICT can be integrated in many ways to enhance the learning experience. The following slideshow highlights various iOS apps that have been tried and tested in the classroom successfully.
I used all of the apps mentioned (apart from 3 on slide 10) with my students and the response both in learning and in attitude to learning was tremendous.
Not only did I use them in the classroom, I set my students homework that they could complete in these apps. This helped make the students enthusiastic about their homework and the work received showed that they had spent a lot more time and effort on the work than they would have when doing it by hand and their retention levels were up.
Please comment below if you have any apps that you’ve used with your students that have been successful.
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