Netanel (11) and Tehilla (8) who are homeschooled in Katzrin, Israel, sent in this video about Tzedakah.
They explained:
[quote]Our project, entitled The Tzedakah Expedition, is about a thief whose order from his ringleader to steal tzedakah. The pictures we used we took ourselfs! We chose tzedakah as our mitzvah because it was the simplest![/quote]
Netanel and Tehilla also said:
[quote]We used Scratch because we already were using it. Scratch is a beginners programing language made by the MIT and LLK. We used blocks to create scripts to make what we want in the project to happen.[/quote]
When asked how they could launch this Mitzvah as a project in their school they replied:
[quote]Well, we could ask our siblings to give more tzedakah in our homeschool![/quote]
Watch their video here:
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